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Solar Power Integration

Solar Power systems may be integrated into a facility and lead to significant savings on operating costs.

Sections of the building may be covered with solar modules to improve energy efficiency, temperature control, and reduce wear on the roofing and other building components.

The customer makes considerable savings on their electric bill when Distributive Generation solar power is installed in conjunction with a Cool Roof system.  In addition, the Cool Roof increases the electricity efficiency of the solar power system.  A Cool Roof keeps the area under the solar modules cool, and therefore the flow of current is more efficient from the solar panels to the inverters. This improves the system’s overall energy production.

The solar panels already cool the roof by shading the top surface from the sun.  Sunlight is absorbed by the solar modules, and a shadow is cast over the roof.  


The temperature difference between the solar shaded areas and the non-shaded areas has been measured in a real-world example one of our DG systems in New Mexico.  


The non-shaded area of roof reached as high as 140°F, with the solar power shaded section being only 70°F, resulting in a temperature cooling effect of 70°F.  


With the roof cooler, the building interior was significantly cooler.  The solar power cooling effect translated to a drop of up to 30°F inside the building.

Shade under the solar panels.JPG

Solar Panel Shaded Roof measured at 70°F

Non-Shaded Roof measured at 130°F

Real world example in New Mexico, the shading effect of Solar Panels on the roof resulted in a 30°F temperature drop inside the building

Solar Cool Roof in Alburquerque
Solar Shading Rooftop in New Mexico
Solar Integrated in Hobbs New Mexico
Solar with a Cool Roof in Cypress
Solar with a Cool Roof in Houston
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